
Published Works

Critical Views

Texts References

Thinker and poet, man of culture and artist, Lucian Blaga has marked Romanian spirituality with his personality for more than five decades. His works rise many problems, which are a continuous challange to literary and philosophical criticism, as he wrote more than 10 000 titles. His entire work - containing poetry, plays, essays, philosophy, memoirs, aphorisms - reflect the modern tendencies of his time to render ideas in an allusive and fluid language, in metaphorical shape, and to reflect through this upon the position of man in the Universe.

"Creation is man's destiny. The poet is not so much a manipulator of words but rather a savior of words. He takes the words out of their natural status and brings them to the status of gracefullness."

Lucian Blaga

"Can we talk, though, about a real invention of Blaga's own myths in his poetry? The answer is affirmative if we think about a certain form of mythical thinking, which manifests itself both in mythical scenarios, and in specific behaviours, that is making actual what the writer named 'the mythical latent side' of an empirical object or individual being."

Translated from Stefan Augustin Doinas, Lectura poeziei. C.R., Bucuresti, 1980

"Lucian Blaga is maybe the most original creator of images from the Romanian literature: unexpected and profoundly poetical images. In order to render the impression of silence, he first hears the noise of the moon beams beating the windows. Image is not merely one of the elements of Lucian Blaga's poetry, but it seems the poetry itself. His poetry emanates a joy of living, an optimism which is not a conceptual but a sensorial one; fresh sensation is what keeps one's satisfaction of life. There is consequently a spiritual unity as well as a certain attitude in Lucian Blaga"

Translated from Eugen Lovinescu, "Critica si literatura IV", Sburătorul literar. I, 22, 11 febr., 1922

"Blaga's poems are pieces of soul, sincerely captured in each moment and rendered by a superior musicality in lines that move together with the soul itself. This elastic form allows the expression of the most delicate nuances of thought and the finest acts of the senses. There is also philosophy inside these lines, a melancholy - but not depressing - philosophy that ties together outer aspects of nature and the inner movements that are our responses to them."

Translated from Nicolae Iorga, "Rânduri pentru un tânăr", Neamul românesc. 1 mai, 1919

All texts translated by © Gustav Demeter