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d. 1986

1936 Between July and August he travells to London, Oxford, Berlin
1940 He leaves for London as a cultural attaché
1941 From 10 February till 1944 he is cultural advisor in Lisabon.
1945 16 September, he moves to Paris with Giza, his daughter.
1907 Mircea Eliade is born on the 9th of March in Bucharest Romania, as the second son to captain Gheorghe Eliade and to Ioana Eliade. Initially, his father's name was Ieremia, and he originated from Tecuci. 1948 He starts his collaboration with the magazine Critique, under the command of Georges Bataille.
1949 15 July Mircea Eliade makes a trip to Italy, where he writes 300 pages of his novel Forêt Interdite.
1914 He moves to Bucharest, where he attends the school in Mântuleasa street. 1950 He takes part in The International Congress of the History of Religions from Amsterdam.
1917 He is admited to Spiru Haret high school.
1921 12 May, Mircea Eliade makes his debut with The Enemy of the Silk Worm. It was signed Eliade Gh. MIrcea. 1952 In May he travells to Italy again.
1956 On 1 October he goes to Chicago.
1923 He learns Italian so as to read Papini in the original and English so as to read Frazer. He starts learning Hebrew and Persian. 1957 He moves to Chicago as a professor of history of religions at the University of Chicago.
1925 Eliade is a student in philosophy at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy from Bucharest. 1960 In September Mircea Eliade takes part in The Congress of the History of Religions from Marburg.
1927 His first trip to Italy. He visits Papini, who had a great influence on the young Eliade. 1964 He is given the title Sewele L. Avery Distinguished Service Professor.
1928 In October he graduates the University of Bucharest with a paper on Campanella. 1966 11 May he becomes a member of The American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
1928 20 November he leaves for India.
1928 25 November - 5 December he makes a trip to Egypt. On 26 December he arrives to Calcutta. 1970 August - September he travells to Sweden and Norway and takes part in the Congress of the History of Religions.
1930 From January till September he lives in Calcutta where he meets Maitreyi. 1977 Mircea Eliade is given the Bordin award by the French Academy.
1931 December, he leaves India and returns to Romania. 1985 He becomes Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Washington.
1933 Mircea Eliade gets his PhD in philosophy with The Compared History of the Yoga Techniques. 1986 22 April, at 9 am, Mircea Eliade dies and he is incinerated the next day in Capela Rockfeller from Hyde Park.