RomanianLiterature.com constantly adds Romanian writers to it's database. But, we want to know what YOU would like to learn from our site, who would YOU like us to add. That is why we ask for your help, and we want to know your preferences.

So, please take a moment to fill in the form bellow, and send it to us.

What poet would you like us to add to the database?
Vasile Alecsandri
Tudor Arghezi
Lucian Blaga
Ion Minulescu
Alexandru Macedonski
What prose writer  would you like us to add to the database?
Ion Luca Caragiale
George Călinescu
Ion Creangă
Ioan Slavici
Vasile Voiculescu
Some things about you (optional)
Your Name
Your Country
Your Job
Your Age
Your Email Address

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